Thursday, June 5, 2014

When people really make money online....

Learning how to make money online the right way! 
Someone once told me that when people really make money online they must have learned the basics of the internet, and then have something of value. It really didn't make too much sense to me at the time. I believed that plenty of people were making extra income with their own business. So I trusted the work from home systems that promised to help a rookie like myself make money! I purchased several training courses, blogs, websites, marketing, search engine marketing, guaranteed traffic and much much more. Learn about the facts of working from home or running an online business before you start one. Do not trust the work from home systems that claim  to make it simple and do it all for you!

At the end of the day I lost thousands of dollars and couldn't keep track of it all. Each program sounded perfect and most of them didn't make a single conversion or sale! I realized I had been taken when I remembered what that person I referred to had told me. "that when people really make money online they must have learned the basics of the internet, and then have something of value." I trusted other people with the money and to make decisions and complete the work it can take to make money online, yet I still didn't know enough to check that the work was completed and that things were working correctly.

This led me to start digging and looking up the programs that have worked, and others that haven't. From the training courses and reading I started learning how to use search engines and read articles. And I am finally starting to learn about the internet, how to make a simple blog or website, and how to "get it out there."

I always referred to the marketing of my websites and blogs as "getting it out there" because I really didn't understand search engines and how people would need to find me in order to actually buy or order something! Now I realize the different options that an online business owner has to choose from when marketing and promoting their business. I have found it easiest to start applying the concepts to a real life analogy.

For example, a search engine is like the phone book for the internet. The phone book lists businesses under their respective categories and then order them alphabetically, but you need to contact them and register your business in order to be listerd. So in order to get your business into the online phone books (search engines) you also need to contact them and let them know that you exist!

The internet is like a highway, full of users bouncing from one site to the next. So why not use an "internet billboard" to promote your business and services along this internet highway with millions of users flowing by? YOU CAN! There's a process of exchanging banners with other website owners or purchasing marketing space from other website owners. Placing a big banner on a website will prompt that websites users to see and click the banner which will lead them right to your site!

Tracking and monetizing your website or blog are important too. You need to be able to monitor and learn what works and doesn't! I am starting to learn when and how people find my blog. I'm also learning that its not easy to get thousands of visitors to a website! It takes time, know how, and experience or a really big budget. I have been able to turn some revenue off of ads and clicks using clickbank so I am learning that 100 people hitting a website might only make a few dollars. It seems that it will take a couple hundred visitors per day as well adding a couple different ways to make money off of a site. Affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and selling products are my three goals at the moment.

Its taken several months and several thousand dollars to start learning how to use the internet and blogs correctly. And will likely take many more months and years of learning but I can finally say that I agree that when people really make money online they must have learned the basics of the internet, and then have something of value. If you build it, and build it correctly THEY will come! If THEY come then I will be able to turn that traffic into revenue the right way!

Protect yourself and research your online businesses before you get started. Make sure that you do understand the basics before committing to anything. Salesman are there to create urgency and pressure you into listening to them, but a good salesman will appreciate someone who is safe and takes the time to understand what they are getting themselves into. Click the banners below and use these free online resources to do a background check on any company before you start doing business with them. Learn about the facts of working from home or running an online business before you start one. Do not trust the work from home systems that claim  to make it simple and do it all for you!
The Better Business Bureau
Rip Off Report a free consumer review site check any business' credentials for free!

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