Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fraudulent binary option and trading companies

Read this before you invest in Binary Options the way I did!

Have you ever heard about or thought about binary options? Making money with the stock market? Maybe you have considered investing a little money to see how it all works? That's exactly what I did!
As a part of my quest to make money online, and with good investments I decided to start trading stocks and binary options with comapnies like I talked to a gentleman who coaxed me into investing a couple thousand dollars that he ultimately lost in a day! 
We all know about the fair risks when it comes to making an investment. There's a difference between being scammed and making a bad investment.... Right?? 

 I considered the risk and reward and made the choice to start learning about the trades, how they work, and how I might be able to make money with binary options and other stock investments. I looked around online, filled out some applications and spoke to a few companies.

Wall Street scam artists?

I realize that it does take money to make money and a piece of me wanted to believe that the outfit was honest. I made several deposits and really made very little back. The overall was that I lost several thousand US dollars. Bascially vanished online POOF! :(I wound up trying several companies to "invest" always knowing there was some risk up-front. I LOST about $30k or so in just under 8 months. Typically in $504.00 or $1008.00 increments. Sometimes 3-4 times a DAY! 

I looked up BBB complaints and other online consumer resource sites. Rip Off report and so on, the reports and consumer statements were never good. Obviously people are aware of the way these guys operate. I really didn't read about or see any people that actually made real profits with the business. There were some un-biased reports that simply suggesting caution and obviously has other companies that rate a little better.
Could be a good run of bad luck? Maybe a shifty salesman or two? Who knows, but I would say that from my experience online stock trading, binary options, and other "trading" software, tutorials, or "sales" have not been profitable and are NOT a good option if you are looking to work from home or generate a profit as your own boss.

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