Monday, June 23, 2014

protect your investment by researching a company before spending money online!

Lets face it, we would all love to freedom of being able to work from home! To start a passive business that will take less hours of your day allowing your to spend more time with family, or doing what you love! But what about those systems that sound too good to be true? What about all those people that have been scammed with home business opportunities and work from home failures?

Most Americans would love to own their own business and be their own boss, I know I did! I actually invested about $40,000 of my retirement and savings trying to build a home based business. Most of those transactions were spent on marketing costs for whichever home business I bought into. I lost most of that money! 

This post is about the facts of working from home, and protecting yourself before buying a work from home business, online or internet marketing, get rich quick schemes or other template based website or business. These are very risky! As a consumer you have to realize that there are people online that are willing to try and take your money! These people will usually be great salesman, with great pitches, and all kinds of options to help you get rich. 

The facts are that online business is not simple, and neither is marketing! In order to make money online you must have a quality website, that's built correctly, and promoted correctly. Wed design and marketing are two separate college professions, and neither of them are common knowledge! 

What I;m getting at is there are several online business opportunities and ways to make money. However as a consumer you should always take the time to learn and teach yourself about an opportunity before you commit. There are several free online resources that consumers can utilize before making and transactions to ensure your work from home safety! 

Rather than risking thousands of dollars, take the time to protect yourself. Research any company(s) that you're considering doing business with. See how other consumers feel about their products and services. Check to see if there are any complaints on the company, the nature of those complaints and how they were resolved. Here are my favorite 2 sites for checking a businesses' credibility:
Remember, again, that in order to really protect your finances and your investments that YOU still need to be the one who makes the ultimate decision and decide who you do business with. Meaning that you should consider what you see, but don't make your decisions solely based off of one complaint or bad report. Consider that companies like Wal Mart have hundred of thousands of complaints! They've never robbed me personally, so I cant make a conclusion that they are a bad company. Remember that these consumer sites aren't government ran organizations, there are little to no regulations about what can be posted. This can lead to some false accusations, or unverified claims. Most companies are offered the ability to rebuttal and defend themselves which may provide more insight into the nature of the complaint. 

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