Thursday, June 5, 2014

Reliable Business CO scam? Took me for over $2k

Realiable Business Co. SCAM!?

Is Reliable Business Co. a scam?

I can say that Reliable Business Co. took me for TWO THOUSAND ($2000.00 USD) dollars after setting me up with their bogus make money scheme. I was contacted by one of their salesman and agreed to sign up with one of their "programs."

They charged me for a small fee up front, maybe a few hundred. Then talked me out of another $1995.00. They would avoid, or ignore my calls for the most part when I called asking about the status of my investments and or any profits from the business. It didn't take long before there was zero contact, and I am out of all the money I spent without a functioning website or any support on how to find, use or promote that site.

Reliable business Co. ultimately spoke a good game and then ran off as soon as they had my money. It's because of scam companies, and rip off companies like Reliable business co. that I was forced to learn about blogging and online marketing.

It seems like some of these "work from home" companies might even share my contact information. Possible calling from several different companies, offering several different systems. I can honestly say that I do not remember each and every detail as I have tried several systems.
Reliable Business Co. Scam

What I can tell you is that companies just like Reliable Business Co. have taken over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of my life savings and wasted it! I say wasted it because after all of the marketing, promotions and websites and so on I haven't generated any revenue let alone any profits!

I realize that some business might lose money, but it is not responsible or legitimate for companies like Reliable Business solutions to call you and sell an "easy" business that is sure to generate thousands of dollars. It's not right because it is NOT TRUE!

My final opinion is that there are some opportunities that are working for people online, but my experience is that it has not worked for me. And Reliable Business Co. is another example of a business that took my money and did absolutely nothing for me!

Check with the BBB before doing business online!

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