Thursday, May 22, 2014

Working from home

This blog will be dedicated to working from home. The concept of staying in your home and being able to make a living has always been intriguing! This blog will be dedicated to entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to work from home, or learn how to promote online.

I've been retired for YEARS, giving me the chance to stay home and learn the internet. Im almost 80 now, so of course we didn't grow up on computers. Someone like myself has had to learn it all from scratch, and I certainly have a lot more learning to do!

Follow this blog and learn more about the work from home business opportunities that I've spent time and money on. I will be posting articles about each business opportunity as well as the features I feel were both good, and bad!

The truth is that Ive spent THOUSANDS of dollars on work from home systems that all I had to do was "promote." They always make it seem easy but years later here I am still trying to learn this marketing thing ;)

For this blog we will be attaching AdSense so you will see plenty of ads displayed. For now these ads will be the only source of income attached to this opportunity. Look for progress along the way as I will post my earning as well as the traffic Im able to generate.

Lets hope that the major search engines and all the services they offer can make a difference in comparison to all the high cost opportunities Ive tried in the past. Most businesses I have entertained sounded great. Often times giving me the impression that I was about to take part in the next Microsoft!

As you can imagine these opportunities are just like people say, "too good to be true!" Although I have seen small amounts of revenue from a few opportunities it seems that you must control your own site, content and social media pages in order to make any progress as a business owner online.

I have learned that tracking the site is one of the most important aspects, you need to see what is working and what isn't. There was a point that I really believed that anyone who owned a website online must be making great money! You hear about all of these kids getting rich off of a great idea and going viral on social media. The fact is that it couldn't be any further from the truth. The internet has probably seem more failed businesses opportunities and less than legitimate schemes than any other marketplace.

Another part of business I have learned is that saving money is just like making money! Most of the businesses I entertained were ran by third party companies trying to get a piece of my hard work and marketing dollars. Skipping the middle man now, I am hoping to work directly with search engines, social media, and other free services to keep the cost low and avoid any forms of hosting or regular maintenance costs. Less cost equals more profit if we are able to generate any revenue!

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