Thursday, May 22, 2014


Blogging seems to be one of the best ways to promote a business and also make some extra money on the side. After years of studying and research I have found that online marketing is all about content. The more you blog, or post to your blog, the more attention you will get!

So how do you make money off of a blog? Consider that a blog is just like a website. You can add images, content and even custom coding to improve the look and behaviors. This means that you can sell marketing space (banners, articles, links) or you can attach a program like most major search engines offer or any other program that will pay you for helping them promote. See CPA networks and AFFILIATE MARKETING

Adding the ability to make money with a blog or site is referred to as "monetizing" that blog or site. The more you are able to provide the better. Typically a website will generate leads, sell marketing space, generate ad revenue or sell products. Once your blog is monetized all you have to do is promote it!

A great blog will be able to do it all! Take some time to learn about how to blog and then consider which system is best for you. Some systems will offer a quick easy set up with little to no costs. Other programs will require quite a bit of technical knowledge.

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