Saturday, May 24, 2014

What is ClickBank and how does it work?

Adding the content is easy, the click bank system will have full tutorials describing the best ways to monetize your web space. The ClickBank system is very similar to other online programs such as Google AdSense. The concept is along the same lines as the affiliate marketing business plans.

Through ClickBanks network of users and promoters they have created a market place that allows knowledge to be posted and shared. The content created through click bank is made available to users all over the world. A ClickBank user is basically providing accurate and relevant content, that is unique and best of all FREE! Internet users will search for just about anything and will often land on some sort of ClickBank affiliated web space which also provides advertisements!

ClickBank's system is very attractive to business owners looking for a great way to promote. Displaying their ads in these high traffic web spaces will bring good revenue that ClickBank will share with you! And why not!? ClickBank allows the users to do all the work, and then split the revenue off of it!

Learn More about ClickBank
"Since 1998, ClickBank has delivered on this simple premise by giving people all over the world the freedom to monetize their unique know-how and experience. Thousands of these “infopreneurs” are using ClickBank’s publishing and promotional SaaS platform every day to turn their passions, hobbies, and work experiences into an additional source of income."                                      -ClickBank.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of an affiliate marketer promoting an established company's products or services. The affiliate business model allows the two to work together without the typical restrictions of an employee/employer relationship.

Often times a business or an establishment will develop an affiliate based program that offers it's customers the ability to make a few buck by referring their friends or family. The business or company offering the affiliate program will provide a system to track sales and commissions. Often times using a custom link or URL to keep track of all the sales and who gets credit.

The most common affiliate program is Amazon, the online retail giant. Amazon has a very detailed and supportive associates system. They have steered away from the term affiliate in favor of associates. A Google search will pull up Amazon's affiliate page that links to each of their programs and marketing resources. Amazon offers multiple associates programs for industrial based marketing as well as local consumer based marketing. See the Amazon affiliates/associates page to learn more.

The affiliate marketing business model is pretty common and most companies or businesses offer some sort of membership and or rewards program. These programs are typically offline, and derive from the same type of affiliate business plan.

Although there are several third part companies that will charge set up fees to create an affiliate business for you, the majority will not work! Caution yourself when paying someone to create any sort of online business, especially an online business! Amazon is not fond of the companies that call and mis-represent themselves as actual partners of amazon.

Remember that most affiliate systems were created to give back for spreading the word about a businesses products or services. The affiliate business model is attractive for business' that are spending hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars on marketing each year. Creating an affiliate based program will likely increase the companies revenue and profits without hiring new employees or taking on new overhead. Offering the customer a reward also brings a sort of loyalty.

The affiliate marketing business model is a big reason why amazon can sell millions of products in a day. When you connect consumers with their favorite products while allowing them to make some money off of it might be the best marketing plan ever imagined!

As a marketer remember that it is an affiliate program before it's a job or a business. In order to create an income or a living off of affiliate marketing you will have to be one of the best! Creating a blog or website that gets thousands of REAL VISITORS a day is not easy! It's more likely that you will make a few bucks here and there, and that's what most affiliate programs are created for.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Getting approved for AdSense

In order to get your blog approved to display ads from vendors like AdSense you might need to qualify first. The descriptions and limitations are pretty unclear, but in general they need to make sure that your blog is a quality marketing space for their vendors.

Consider that when an ad is displayed on your site and then click on someone will be charged. It's your ad agents job to make sure that their paying customers' ads are being displayed in quality areas of your blog. Take some time to write several posts and articles before applying. Also make sure that you read the terms and conditions, be sure to keep it clean! Often times the rules and regulations are updated without notice in addition to the fact they the rules can be pretty unclear to begin with.

Read other blogs that are out there online and be sure to keep your content original. If you are recycling or re posting others' content this is the quickest and easiest way to get your blog suspended. Also consider that content is king. The more you write and the more you write about the better off you will be. Search engines will actually pay more attention and give your blog more traffic if you have good relevant content. This will also increase the value of the ads placed on your site and increase the amounts of money you will be able to make.


Blogging seems to be one of the best ways to promote a business and also make some extra money on the side. After years of studying and research I have found that online marketing is all about content. The more you blog, or post to your blog, the more attention you will get!

So how do you make money off of a blog? Consider that a blog is just like a website. You can add images, content and even custom coding to improve the look and behaviors. This means that you can sell marketing space (banners, articles, links) or you can attach a program like most major search engines offer or any other program that will pay you for helping them promote. See CPA networks and AFFILIATE MARKETING

Adding the ability to make money with a blog or site is referred to as "monetizing" that blog or site. The more you are able to provide the better. Typically a website will generate leads, sell marketing space, generate ad revenue or sell products. Once your blog is monetized all you have to do is promote it!

A great blog will be able to do it all! Take some time to learn about how to blog and then consider which system is best for you. Some systems will offer a quick easy set up with little to no costs. Other programs will require quite a bit of technical knowledge.

Online business warnings

Online business warnings
Beware of online scams! 
Have you ever found yourself wondering about some online businesses and thinking how nice it would be if they actually worked. Most people are VERY cautious about online businesses and making money from home. And you should be! Learn if your business is a legitimate work from home system by doing a little research, and keep these online business safety tips in mind.

  1. Is There A Cost? Why? Take some time to research what the opportunity is. Make a mini business plan and assume what the costs should be compared to what the company is asking for. Keep in mind that if your looking for a JOB there should be no charges or fees to get hired! 
  2. How Will You Be Able To Make Money? Ask yourself how you can make money. Do you need to sell something, promote something? If so consider how difficult that is and make sure you're really up for the challenge. 
  3. See Examples! Ask the company to provide you with examples, most businesses should be able to easily provide a list of clients that are satisfied with the services provided. Although it would be nice to talk to customers most will not want to be constantly bothered. Its more likely that you can see the business and search Google to see how popular it is. A site that is ranked well should pull back several thousand good listings. 
  4. Avoid Testimonials! I have noticed a DIRECT CORRELATION with companies that have "testimonials" on their websites and brochures. THEY DON'T WORK! Its always so enticing when you see an olf guy next to a red Ferrari and some hot blonde, but its ridiculous! A guy with that much money will not be posing and showing off for a tiny web development company. In fact most wealthy people would rather not flaunt everything they have! 
  5. Never send cash, wire, check, or money orders! These methods of payment are dangerous! Instead, use a major credit or debit card! You are protected as a consumer from fraudulent charges and scams. If someone disappears with your cash there's nothing you can do! If you order something online and never get the item, or the item is not what you ordered the credit card companies and the banks will insure your purchase and then pursue the vendor for costs. 
Hope this helps! Feel free to comment or ask any questions below. Remember that most businesses are failing in this economy. I have invested over 50k in opportunities that DID NOT WORK. Take some time and use some common sense to protect yourself before making any financial OR TIME CONSUMING work. Your time and money is valuable!

Working from home

This blog will be dedicated to working from home. The concept of staying in your home and being able to make a living has always been intriguing! This blog will be dedicated to entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to work from home, or learn how to promote online.

I've been retired for YEARS, giving me the chance to stay home and learn the internet. Im almost 80 now, so of course we didn't grow up on computers. Someone like myself has had to learn it all from scratch, and I certainly have a lot more learning to do!

Follow this blog and learn more about the work from home business opportunities that I've spent time and money on. I will be posting articles about each business opportunity as well as the features I feel were both good, and bad!

The truth is that Ive spent THOUSANDS of dollars on work from home systems that all I had to do was "promote." They always make it seem easy but years later here I am still trying to learn this marketing thing ;)

For this blog we will be attaching AdSense so you will see plenty of ads displayed. For now these ads will be the only source of income attached to this opportunity. Look for progress along the way as I will post my earning as well as the traffic Im able to generate.

Lets hope that the major search engines and all the services they offer can make a difference in comparison to all the high cost opportunities Ive tried in the past. Most businesses I have entertained sounded great. Often times giving me the impression that I was about to take part in the next Microsoft!

As you can imagine these opportunities are just like people say, "too good to be true!" Although I have seen small amounts of revenue from a few opportunities it seems that you must control your own site, content and social media pages in order to make any progress as a business owner online.

I have learned that tracking the site is one of the most important aspects, you need to see what is working and what isn't. There was a point that I really believed that anyone who owned a website online must be making great money! You hear about all of these kids getting rich off of a great idea and going viral on social media. The fact is that it couldn't be any further from the truth. The internet has probably seem more failed businesses opportunities and less than legitimate schemes than any other marketplace.

Another part of business I have learned is that saving money is just like making money! Most of the businesses I entertained were ran by third party companies trying to get a piece of my hard work and marketing dollars. Skipping the middle man now, I am hoping to work directly with search engines, social media, and other free services to keep the cost low and avoid any forms of hosting or regular maintenance costs. Less cost equals more profit if we are able to generate any revenue!